
All the latest from Arawak Walton

February 12, 2020

Arawak Housing Merges with Walton Housing totaling 221 units

Merger of Arawak Housing with Walton Housing Association increases stock by 98 properties of various types and sizes. Walton Housing — 98 units with addition of […]
February 12, 2020

Arawak Walton Housing Association manages first properties in Trafford — 379 units

The Association manages its first properties in Trafford (Sinderland Road, Altrincham) and purchases its first shared ownership scheme, (Crammond Close, Newton Heath)
February 11, 2020

Purchase of 149 properties and Charter mark award for excellence. 603 units

• Arranged £7m loan facility to buy 149 properties. • The four BME RSLs hold their first joint annual conference. • We win Charter Mark, an […]
February 11, 2020

Largest development allocation in Manchester. 620 units

Largest development allocation in Manchester, St Gregory’s School site will see 49 homes built with £2.8m allocation of Grant using green construction methods.