As Housing Associations we are proud to be providers of shelter and support to people from all walks of life. But in Britain today migrants face particular challenges and we recognise that we can contribute to meeting the needs of present day migrant people:

  • Provide a safe and welcoming environment to migrants seeking someone they can trust.
  • Train our staff and board members so that they are able to be informed advocates for vulnerable migrant tenants.
  • Engage with our staff, communities and partners to increase understanding of the issues facing migrants and to break down prejudice.

This pledge is offered to a diverse range of housing organisations, with varying levels of resources, complexity and capacity.

It has been designed so that organisations with the will to support migrant people, can sign up – even if the organisation has no or limited resources.

The pledge is intended to signal that organisations are working towards the commitments. The Fundamental Commitments (examples shown below) would be available to all organisations to agree. For those organisations able to commit more resources, the Aspirational Commitments give examples of the type of support involved.

The pledge is promoted by BME National